A hymn to the day we parted ways
I still remember,
Vaguely, even so.
It was pouring,
The cruelty of nature’s metaphors.
You asked me to stay,
To give it another go,
At whatever it was that we had.
But what exactly was it that we had?
You asked me to stay,
With a little more desperation, the second time.
To not let go so easily,
To fight for it, for us.
You weren’t noticing,
Not paying enough attention, perhaps.
I was fighting then,
Fighting myself to believe in what we never had.
But there’s something about that day
That still makes my heart go warm.
For I had held on to it so long,
Even when I knew I had lost.
Blinded with what it could have been,
I never knew how much I needed this,
How much I needed myself.
Let me assure you,
This is no ‘love turned wrong and hate came along’,
This is the story of two, who did not belong.