Accepting defeat gracefully!

Personally, this is not something I find easy to write on, because there have been innumerable times in my life when I’ve not accepted defeat well. It isn’t easy, especially when you have all your hopes bottled into the idea that you are a winner, that you deserve to win, and that life is unfair in making you lose.
I was watching the Oscar Awards which took place recently, and saw how the presenter announced the wrong winner of the Best Picture Award. Instead of announcing the prize for Moonlight he announced it for La La Land. Actors Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway then presented the award to the producers of the wrong movie! The producers had started delivering the acceptance speech, when the hosts ran up and announced to the startled audience that the wrong winner had been announced and the award should go to Moonlight!
But what was so beautiful was how the producers of La La Land gracefully handed over their trophies to the winning team!
The word is ‘graceful’!
Can you imagine how they must have felt? One moment victory, the next moment, defeat! One moment absolute joy, the next, deep disappointment!
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Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist with an estimated readership of 6 million. He also conducts a short-term writer’s course. Contact him at for more details.