Life Lessons

Are You Ready to Face Your Future?

Girl walking along a road into the future
Image by Freepik

Dear teenagers,

This open letter to you can be the key with which you can open several doors — doors leading to success, and a fulfilling life.

Let me ask you a few questions:

DO you think that you are a capable, smart and a meritorious teenager?
ARE you ready to face life head-on and embark on your journey towards the future?
DO you think that you are better than several others you know in your network?
DO you want to succeed in life?
DO you dream of a life that gives you complete happiness?
DO you wish to travel around the world? Have a wonderful house and live happily with a loved one?
HOWEVER, are you feeling a bit unsettled and confused now? Perhaps, even a bit confused?
ARE you afraid of facing the future?

If the answer to most or all of the above questions is YES, then this letter is certainly meant for YOU!

You must be learning a lot these days; observing, listening and processing a lot of information, and the source of this info could be:

  • Your parents telling you that you are simply the BEST and that your place shall be amongst the stars! Or reversely, some telling you that you are STUPID, useless and that you won’t accomplish much in your life.
  • Many ideas must be forming and desires taking birth from the K-dramas or content appealing to you on OTT platforms.
  • You must be observing a lot happening in the lives of your peers, classmates and friends.
  • You must be watching your favourite actors or sports stars and role models living luxurious lifestyles, making you envious of them.
Cover of the January 2024 issue of The Teenager Today featuring the students of St Pauls Institute of Communication Education, Mumbai

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Dr Navniit Gandhi is an academic, author, and a trainer/counsellor based in Kuwait. She has authored nine books and has written more than 300 feature articles till date, and is presently on the editorial board of The Teenager Today.

Dr Navniit Gandhi

Dr Navniit Gandhi is an academic, author, and a trainer/counsellor based in Kuwait. She has authored nine books and has written more than 300 feature articles till date, and is presently on the editorial board of The Teenager Today.