I want pursue a degree in Indology

I am a student of Std XI and wish to pursue a degree in Indology. I would like to know which institutions in India provide this course.
Johny Anithottam
Indology is the study of history, culture, languages and literature of the Indian subcontinent. It is supported by an analysis of textual sources written in an Indian language, of iconographic sources or of any other document. Specifically, Indology includes the study of Sanskrit literature and Hinduism along with the other Indian religions, namely Jainism, Buddhism and Pāli literature, and Sikhism.
Study in Indology is useful for those interested in understanding the nature and dynamics of Indian culture and society, particularly to teachers of higher educational institutions, journalists and other media persons, and those pursuing careers in tourism, archaeology and museums.
Very few institutes offer courses in this field. Some of these include School of Indology, Nalanda Open University, Patna (nalandaopenuniversity.com); Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan’s Centre of Indology, New Delhi (bharatiyavidya.com); Krishna Institute of Indology, Bangalore (mythicsociety.org/research); Shri Balmukund Lohia Centre of Sanskrit and Indological Studies, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune (tmv.edu.in/balmukund.asp).
Dr Vibha Gupta, a feature writer, is a Ph.D. in Mathematics from IIT Roorkee. Her book Careers: A Pathfinder and articles in various publications are an attempt to guide students in choosing a career according to their natural strengths, talents and skills.