Dear Students: Your Pathway to Excellence

Author: Dr Sajith Cyriac, SSP
Publisher: Better Yourself Books
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 114; Price: Rs 100
‘The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.’
The above quote by Aristotle in this action-oriented book is hard-hitting. How many students today want to gain a distinction in their exams but yet want to put in no effort for the same? We need to learn that what comes easy won’t last and what lasts does not come easy. In this age of instant messaging and instant shopping, Dear Students: Your Pathway to Excellence by Dr Sajith Cyriac, Vice Principal of St Paul’s College Bangalore, educates students that the recipe for success is made tasty by the salt of one’s sweat, tears and hard work.
The book is a series of pep talks in the form of letters to young people wishing to educate them on the different ways to study smart and not long. Topics such as exam stress, study timetable management, peer pressure, school-college dropouts, self-education, memory triggers, etc., are dwelt upon in a simple, quick and precise manner. The writing is engaging and profound, which teaches students the importance of sometimes putting that smartphone down and knowing the difference between knowledge and basic information.
College students can even use it to induce them to goal-directed behaviour. According to Dr Cyriac, practice is a miracle waiting to happen. Stop procrastinating and buy this reflective book to change your study habits. Interpret your study schedule cognitively and responsibly with this life-disciplining self-help book. Learn the difference between positive and negative stress in this world of mass-produced distinctions in board exams — marks are not everything, education is. Don’t stop when you are exhausted; stop when you are done with your work. Revolutionize your school life and your personal relationships with your peers now with Dear Students: Your Path to Excellence.
Available at Better Yourself Books and all St Paul Book Centres in India
Fiza Pathan is an avid reader of books of all genres. She has written award-winning books, novels and short stories, which reflect her interest in furthering the cause of education and in championing social issues.