I’m interested in design and visual communication
I am in Std XI (Science) and interested in a career in design and visual communication. What courses should I take after Std XII and which are the preferred institutes for this?
Souvik De
Visual communication design is a creative field that includes graphic design, digital media and environmental graphics. Designers work to create design layouts, web pages and multimedia designs. But this field has a highly competitive market, so you are required to learn continuously and keep your technical skills current and your awareness of consumer and design trends up-to-date.
After XII, you can join National Institute of Design, Paldi, Ahmedabad (nid.edu) for a 4-year professional course in Industrial Design. Selection is through a two-level entrance test. IIT Mumbai (idc.iitb.ac.in) offers a 4-year B. Design.
Other institutes are ZED Institute of Creative Arts, Hyderabad (zica.org); Symbiosis Centre of Design, Pune (sid.edu.in); Apeejay Institute of Design, New Delhi (apeejay.edu/aid).
Dr Vibha Gupta, a feature writer, is a Ph.D. in Mathematics from IIT Roorkee. Her book Careers: A Pathfinder and articles in various publications are an attempt to guide students in choosing a career according to their natural strengths, talents and skills.