Do you suffer from LFT?
Do these thoughts ever bother you to a point that you get exasperated?
- You talk to me like I don’t know anything!
- You don’t care about how I feel or what I think!
- I do my best but nothing good comes out of it!
- I study hard but I am unable to get good grades!
- Everyone else is so lucky, easy, and stress free!
- You always ask me to do way too much, it’s unfair!
If some or all of these statements are true for you, you are likely to have LFT. LFT is an acronym for Low Frustration Tolerance. It means irritation, disturbance and annoyance when things don’t go the way we want or expect. Obviously nobody is going to rejoice when his or her plan is thwarted. But have you noticed how some people are so calm and relaxed about everything that goes on around them? And we think that things always work out for them, no matter what? Quite often we might even envy them for the uncomplicatedness of their life and complexity of ours. And our golden defence becomes…
Why is it so hard for me and so easy for everyone else?
All our reactions to events and people around us are rooted in automated thoughts inside our brain. These are learned from some or the other experience and if negative, we make negative assumptions our reality. Think about some of these described below.
‘I’m stuck’
Many teenagers feel like they’re stuck no matter what environment they’re in. You could feel imprisoned in your own home, trapped in school, caught in tuition, maybe even jammed in a friends’ group you don’t want to be in. You sense that you don’t have freedom to choose all or any of these scenarios for yourself. This is insecurity. Simply because someone else made the decision and not you, you tend to feel that your autonomy is challenged. And you don’t like it. And this can you get frustrated.
Unstick yourself
- Know that obedience and humility sets you free.
- Gently accept reality that unfolds itself to you.
- Be open and accepting, and connect with people.
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Dr Shefali Batra is a Psychiatrist and Mindfulness Coach. Connect with her on Instagram @drshefalibatra and read more about her work at