Dodging Deadlines

Deadlines looming, tasks piling up, and that sneaky little voice inside our heads telling us, “Maybe tomorrow?” It’s called procrastination, and guess what? It’s totally normal! Before you label yourself as lazy or unmotivated, let’s dive into what’s really going on behind the scenes.
First off, procrastination isn’t a synonym for laziness. In fact, it’s your brain’s way of dealing with tasks it finds uncomfortable or challenging. Yep, that’s right – your brain is trying to protect you from the perceived stress or discomfort associated with certain activities.
Modern psychology helps us understand that procrastination is often linked to our brain’s struggle with instant gratification. Our minds prefer short-term rewards, like scrolling through social media or watching funny cat videos, over the delayed satisfaction of completing a more challenging task.

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Avantika Kampani, a 17-year-old entrepreneur, is the Founder of Day One Learning Solutions.