Extracting greatness from yourself

Everyone has an awesome side hidden away somewhere. They just need help in getting it out. But it’s a skill everyone needs to master. There are various ways in which you can bring out the best version of yourself. Can you identify your strong points? What are your interests? Your talents? Your passions? Your obsessions? Think about the ways you already bring these elements together and explore the possibilities as to how you can engage them.
Sometimes we stop short of doing something well because we are afraid of failure or simply paralyzed by fear. Use positive language and take strong, positive steps toward your goals, for extracting the best of you. Remember that “Good plants thrive in good soil, and so do people!” Cultivate goodness all around you — in your friends, school/college, community and neighbourhood. Behind the most successful athletes are very gifted coaches. In any part of life, personal or professional, it is important to have at least one person whom you respect and to whom you can turn to for honest and constructive feedback.
Dwelling on the past is not going to change anything. It’s true that the decisions you made then were major determinants in shaping what or who you are today, but what is the point of cursing situations that you can’t change? If you are embarrassed or humiliated by what you have done in the past or recent present, then why not make a conscious effort to change the future? It’s never too late to start doing the right thing in the right manner; although it’s not easy switching off the world and swimming against the flow.
1. What you do today will put you in a situation that is best for yourself tomorrow. Do your best today to ensure that your future is sheltered or rightly assured. Improve your future by working on it today.
2. Just be yourself: Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful and magically determined person you are. Accept who you are and be yourself. Don’t be afraid of being different from others; slice out your own identity and let the best part of you shine further. Never bother yourself too much by thinking about what other people say or think about you; you can shine only when you are happy with yourself.
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Amit Sehgal is the Principal of The Scholars Valley, Dhampur (U.P.). An author and recipient of the Best Principal Award 2018, he has 20 years of experience in teaching, administration and management in international schools in India.