Reader's Blog

You’ll get through this!

I know how it feels! I know exactly how it feels and trust me there’s nothing worse than it. Entering reality is hard; it takes quite long for some of us to get in it. I myself couldn’t enter it until this point of time. It’s just that our heart takes much longer to understand what our brain already knows!

Not that it’s the only thing you’re going through but it’s the only thing that matters. And when you don’t even get what you used to, trust me, the heart aches. Literally. No philosophy, nothing. There is an actual pain in the heart which we know is about what.

Dude, I get it. Okay? Not that you’re the only one here who’s hurt! There are people who have gone through worse. But what kept them going was their courage to continue.

Dude, I get it. Okay? Not that you’re the only one here who’s hurt! There are people who have gone through worse. But what kept them going was their courage to continue.

If not today, then tomorrow. Months later. After a year, you will have to get over what’s not for you. You weren’t meant for certain things. Did you care? Then why react so much over something which is not meant for you?

The truth is it’ll hurt. Moving on from anything in life is not easy but holding on hurts too, right?

Hey there! You are a champ! Don’t let anything bring you down, my dear. This world is a reality show. It’s all about getting through the obstacles and not quitting. Things might be a bit tough today but it’ll be fine.

“Nothing lasts forever!” Your happiness didn’t, your pain won’t either. Whatever it is, you’ll get through this!