Go Bob, Go!
No, this article isn’t about me, though like you even I could do with some cheerleaders cheering me on once in a way. As I watch the cheerleaders at the IPL matches I remember an article that appeared in one of our national dailies, and as I read on, tears came to my eyes. The author talked about the New York Marathon which is a forty-five kilometre race that ends at Central Park in Manhattan.
The author said that about one and a half million people lined the sides of the road, in freezing temperatures, to watch and to cheer. But they had not come to watch the professionals who run like lightning. They had come to cheer the ‘little guys, the nameless faces, the guys next door, the guys who do their nine to five jobs and train only on weekends, who have no corporate sponsors, the guys who run only to prove something to themselves.’
Get the digital edition of the August 2024 issue to read the full article.
Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist with an estimated readership of 6 million. He also conducts a short-term writer’s course. Contact him at bobsbanter@gmail.com for more details.