He said he truly loved me
It’s so complicated! There’s a guy who has liked me since we were in 4th grade. But at that time we were small and we did not know about love or any such things. Then last year when we were in 10th grade we decided to meet and at that time he said he truly loved me. When I told this to my close friend she said: “I think you need to wait because you are too young for love, and, who knows, you might even get a better boy for yourself.” These words are stuck in my mind. I can’t even concentrate on my studies. Please help.
A.V. (16)
Dear A.V., sometimes in life friendship may turn into love, but it takes time and experience in order to really understand the change in relationship. There is some truth in what your close friend told you: “you are too young for love”. At the age of 16 there are more important things to do than running after emotions and passing feelings. Tell that guy to concentrate on his studies, family relationships and good friendships. That will build a foundation on which both of you will build your future and your mature relationships.
Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.