Youth Counselling

I am always frightened

I worry about every small thing. I am always frightened. Even before speaking; I check a hundred times whether whatever I’m saying is correct or not. If a teacher scolds me a bit, I feel I have been terribly insulted and avoid going to her class. I am so frightened about being insulted. Please help.

Dear Sanjeev, children and young people need the presence of loving and caring parents in order to feel safe and secure. If, for any reason, parents are not there, it is common to experience anxiety, fear and insecurity. In your letter you do not write anything about your family; therefore it is not possible to understand the reason of your problems. You could share them with a good and understanding teacher or a family relation in order to get help.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.