Youth Counselling

I’m very sensitive to scolding from my parents

I am a girl studying in Class 8. I am very sensitive to any scolding from my parents. I feel I am depressed. My mom and dad love me a lot but they do not want me to be a free-minded person. They criticize me for my dressing sense and for other fashionable things. I don’t like this as this ‘simplicity’ gives a good chance for my classmates to make me cry, which makes me feel depressed.

Dear Palak,

Looks like each time your parents scold you, you feel that you’re just not good enough. Your parents do love you and that is exactly why they are protective of you. However, you want them to see you as a grown-up and capable of thinking for yourself, and that is natural. That time will come, for no one remains a child forever.

Right now, develop your personality in the safe space of your home. Read and discuss different topics with your parents – world events, sports, economics, different professions, etc. This will broaden your horizons and help you to develop views of your own. Ask your parents questions and build a good rapport with them.

As for your sense of style, it will change and evolve. So, you can still keep it simple while you explore what suits you, what colours and accessories you like, etc. For now, if you are comfortable with the way you dress, express it. You can say, “I like what I am wearing today.” Or “I like the way I look.” Keep saying this firmly enough. Ignore your fellow mates, they will back off after some time.

Nasreen Hashambhoy is a Counsellor, Life Coach and a Facilitator of training programmes for schools and corporates. Through a combination of coaching, counselling and facilitation techniques based on cognitive science and positive psychology, she helps clients achieve their true potential. She is the author of the series Values In Action published by Better Yourself Books.

Nasreen Hashambhoy

Nasreen Hashambhoy is a Counsellor, Life Coach and a Facilitator of training programmes for schools and corporates. Through a combination of coaching, counselling and facilitation techniques based on cognitive science and positive psychology, she helps clients achieve their true potential. She is the author of the series Values In Action published by Better Yourself Books.