From the Chief Editor

It is easier not taking risks!

Rafael Nadal won his 22nd Grand Slam and his 14th Roland Garros crown in Paris on 5 June 2022, at the age of 36. On being presented with the much-coveted cup, he said, “It is very difficult to describe the feelings I have. It is something I have never believed!” Then the Spaniard added, “I don’t know what can happen in the future, but I’m going to keep fighting, keep going.”

Nadal’s foot injury caused him chronic pain for years, particularly during those crucial weeks of the tournament. His doctor accompanied him to Paris. Nadal also thought that the Philippe Chartrier Court game might be his last attempt. Yet he took the risk and played. T.S. Eliot wisely said, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go.” In the world of sports, we encounter people who take extreme risks in life as they attempt feats like downhill skiing, mountaineering, rock climbing, skydiving, etc. It is such risks that take one towards life’s crowning glory.

People often fear risks, but risks are a reality of life from the moment of one’s birth. People are more worried about risks in the future rather than the opportunities in hand. This may be so because, it being difficult for us humans to think in terms of probabilities, we do tend to overestimate the bad things that could happen. However, taking risks can actually be a good thing, provided you do your research diligently and weigh the alternatives carefully.

For many people, taking risks is a rewarding experience. The success story of Jessica Cox, featured in this month’s issue (p 24), stands out as an excellent lesson for all to never say die! Indeed, never seeing herself as a victim of a given condition, she went on to prove all the doubters and naysayers wrong. She bounced back with a renewed burst of energy and enthusiasm every time she failed and encountered difficulties. Today, she exemplifies innumerable reasons why one should never give up in life!

Nikhat Zareen, featured in the cover story of this issue, dared to take up boxing against the popular choices that other girls of her time and age made. The orthodox society around her wasn’t very supportive of her choice, but her father’s unfailing support and encouraging attitude finally saw her achieve final glory. So don’t ever refrain from what your heart is calling you to do, however odd it may appear. Attempt the unknown and reach the moment of your glory!

Vincent Carmel is the Chief Editor of The Teenager Today. He brings with him years of experience in working with young people. He was actively involved with the Indore-based Universal Solidarity Movement (USM) for over three years. A great lover of the North East, he was the Director of the North East Social Communications (NESCOM), organising motivational programmes for the youth of the region.

Vincent Carmel

Vincent Carmel is the Chief Editor of The Teenager Today. He brings with him years of experience in working with young people. He was actively involved with the Indore-based Universal Solidarity Movement (USM) for over three years. A great lover of the North East, he was the Director of the North East Social Communications (NESCOM), organising motivational programmes for the youth of the region.