Youth Counselling

I just feel like dying

I love a girl very much; in fact, I love her too much! I’ve loved her for the past three years. We were in the same school till last year, but I never told her about my feelings. She got to know about this from some of my friends and clearly said “no”. I was disappointed but decided to forget her and never talk to her about my feelings. She too got committed to one of my friends. So, I totally decided to forget her. But I just can’t forget her. It feels like I’ll die without her. I was a brilliant student, but from the time she entered my life, I’m just too distracted in my studies. My academics are going down and because of this I’m losing my respect too in front of my family and friends. I’m lost, alone, thinking about her. I ruined my life and it is getting worse and I just feel like dying. Is there any way out?
Avinash (17) / Agra

Dear Avinash, you need to make a deep introspection in your mind and soul. You seem to have no values, no reasons to live in this world except for a girl whom you “love too much” but to whom you never had the courage to speak about your feelings. Though she finally came to know about them and “clearly said no” and is committed to one of your friends, you keep on feeling helpless and hopeless without her, falling into depression and feeling that your life is ruined. A deep depression can lead you to suicidal thoughts: “I just feel like dying”. Don’t you have loving parents who care for you and make sacrifices for you to study and get a good future? Don’t you believe in a loving and compassionate God who created you and gave you physical, intellectual and spiritual gifts? Don’t you love your family and your God? Your emotional needs have blinded you into a deep infatuation. True love leads a person to be responsible and committed in relationships and duties, making life beautiful and worth living. Infatuation, on the contrary, leads to foolish and irresponsible behaviour. Turn to God in prayer and get closer to your family and good friends.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.