Kaizen: Good Change

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the “extra”. It’s what changes the world. Yet many stick around being ordinary because they’re unaware of how much “extra” is needed and how capable they are of offering it. If only you knew what you were capable of and deployed your capacities to be the best version of who you were meant to be.
Have you experienced being in a zone or spot that felt like you were standing at the end of the road? There was nothing ahead of you (at least this is what you thought at that time)? No ideas, no path, no answers. Just a lurking question mark mocking you, “What are you going to do now? Give up?”
What did you do then?
Kaizen (Japanese for “good change”), thrives on the core philosophy that adversities are, in fact, moments of opportunity, to change what has ceased to work and ring in what will. Keeping the faith in hope, conviction and action. All Kaizen asks for is change. This amendment can be momentary or ongoing; massive or small. Kaizen contends that if you don’t change the status quo from time to time, you may not survive.
Why so much focus on change?
Newton’s Law of Inertia insists that if an object is in a state of motion or rest, it will continue to stay in that state of motion or rest unless it is acted upon by an external force that changes its status quo by accelerating or decelerating it. But look around and at yourself. Can you stay in the same state forever? Aren’t there too many changes taking place around you?
Circumstances, friendships, relationships, career, family, education and more… It’s impossible to maintain your status quo when external forces trying to modify you are so powerful. Technologies, trends, politics, and above all people, are ever transforming. It is increasingly important to integrate with the ebbs and flows, to experience delight, adventure and growth in life. Nothing is possible without embracing change.

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Dr Shefali Batra is a Psychiatrist and Mindfulness Coach. Connect with her on Instagram @drshefalibatra and read more about her work at drshefalibatra.com.