
Keeping your cool

Photo: © Hongqi Zhang / 123RF Stock Photo
Photo: © Hongqi Zhang / 123RF Stock Photo

Have you ever looked at a toddler, in the throes of a tantrum, at the mall or the multiplex, and enviously wished that you could do the same? Did you watch The Avengers and wish you could turn into the big, green colossal Hulk and swat or smash the things that got in your way or irritate you? If you have, I can reassure you that you’re not alone.

I know I have!

When Bruce Banner turns to Captain America and says “That’s my secret? I’m ALWAYS angry,” I could feel my friends all turn to me with knowing looks, and it was all I could do to not turn into my ow version of the Hulk right then!

Truth be told, I still like to indulge in a rant — catch hold of a willing (or helpless!) friend and vent out all my frustrations. I have to be careful to avoid doing that too often though.After all, we have been taught over the years that anger is juvenile. Right?

We have been told to grow up. Rein it in. Suck it up.Move on. Let it go. Forget about it. And, a few other combinations of verbs!

We have been advised that whatever we’re angry about is temporary or not worth our time and energy. We’re like that only. Just adjust. It is the way it is. What can you do about it. And, other combinations of rhetoric!

We have also been reassured that it will all pass. It will be okay. It’s alright. All is well.

Over the years, we have been conditioned to believe that temper tantrums are for toddlers and rants in angst should be left behind with our teenage years. It has been reinforced that anger is a negative emotion to be suppressed and overcome, and rarely, if ever, to be expressed.

But is it really such a bad thing to feel angry? It’s natural, isn’t it?

Anger, after all, is an important emotion. It is an indication that you feel deeply about something, it can be a powerful call to action. Anger can also present a warning, a red flag waving in your tracks, indicating a time to slow down, stop and change. If channeled right, anger can be transformed into something positive and passionate.

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Joanne D’Souza is a PR and Marketing professional. She builds compelling narratives for brands by day, and loses herself to the power of words through books and her own writing when she’s not working.

Joanne D'Souza

Joanne D’Souza is a PR and Marketing professional. She builds compelling narratives for brands by day, and loses herself to the power of words through books and her own writing when she’s not working.