Life is like a flowing river
Isn’t life similar to the flowing water in the river? During my childhood days, I was a relatively emotional kid. At all my emotional moments. I was told one thing repeatedly, and that was: “not to worry”, “not to overthink”, and the very common phrase “life goes on”. It might not be today, but someday things will fall in place. Things will be normal but actually it will be better.
Memories are like food for the heart. Let the hard memories remind you of how you made yourself a warrior by fighting with all the demons inside out, and how you created a stronger version of yourself.
Whenever I think of it, the first thing that comes to my mind is the river with water always flowing. That made me realize how similar our life is to it. Like the water on the river bed which never remains steady, the river is always old but the water is new. It keeps flowing without taking a single break even for a micro second; it flows, flows and repeats. Similarly, our life. Life never takes a break at any moment. No matter what emotion we are going through — sadness, happiness, pain, joy, sorrow, fear, anger — every emotion will last for a certain period.
You may wonder, what can be done when nothing lies in our hands, when nothing is in our control? One thing can be done, and that is to recollect the footprints of life — what life has given and what life will give. Memories are like food for the heart. Let the hard memories remind you of how you made yourself a warrior by fighting with all the demons inside out, and how you created a stronger version of yourself. Let the good ones remind you of how grateful you should be for everything that life has gifted you, and be thankful for fulfilling all your said and unsaid prayers. Because at the end, we all go carrying an empty basket filled with nothing but memories.