Bob's Banter

Making and Keeping Resolutions

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It’s not just making a New Year’s resolution that’s important; it’s about keeping it!

A few days after the New Year, a local school had a party for its teachers and the principal asked all of them to give him a list of the resolutions they had made at the beginning of the year. They did so, and on the day of the teacher’s function, he put up the list. There was a general feeling of bonhomie and good humour as they read each other’s resolutions, except for one teacher, “Where is my resolution,” she asked the principal crossly, “Did you think it was unworthy of being displayed?”

The principal assured her that he had no such compulsions and that her paper had obviously been misplaced, “Misplaced!” she screamed, “How could you misplace my paper and not any of the others?” The principal tried to calm her down, but the lady was furious and ranted and raved, till her superior, in order to quieten her, said that he would go to his office and see whether it was there.

The paper was there, and as the principal read what the resolution was, he broke into a chuckle, which slowly turned into a sad smile:

Cover of the January 2023 issue of The Teenager Today featuring the International Kite Festival held at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

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Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist with an estimated readership of 6 million. He also conducts a short-term writer’s course. Contact him at for more details.

Robert Clements

Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist with an estimated readership of 6 million. He also conducts a short-term writer’s course. Contact him at for more details.