Morning Routine for a Miracle Day
Do you wonder what successful people do in the morning?
If you need motivation to start your day on the right note, look no further. In our busy lives, it’s all too easy to wake up feeling overwhelmed and rushed into the day by all the things to be done. Having a morning routine helps you shine through and rise above life’s challenges.
A morning routine includes the little things we do every morning that can help start the day on the right note.
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” — Marcus Aurelius
It is difficult to have a good day without starting your morning with an intention. Your mornings are like blank slates, an opportunity to start again. Even if your first action upon waking is simply going to the bathroom, this forms the beginning of a habit stack — a series of linked actions. Waking up triggers going to the bathroom, which triggers brushing your teeth, which triggers you to have breakfast. Like a Jenga stack, a habit stack is only as sturdy as their foundational blocks. Starting your day by checking your phone can trigger a less productive series of actions.
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Dr Resham Satyani is an educator by profession and a teen life coach by passion.