Poets & Poetry

My angel

by Riya Lalwani (15)
Sophia Sr Sec School, Ajmer

People praise those who have high qualifications,
But I praise my mother, my reason for success.
For me she is my god!
Maybe she doesn’t have a high degree,
Maybe she isn’t an engineer or doctor.
But still, my mother is the most versatile teacher.
Can a teacher teach you all the subjects?
Can a teacher save you in situations from being a victim?
Can a teacher be a friend and a mother at the same time?
I have a teacher as such,
And for her I wholeheartedly thank god very much!

She sings with me, dances with me,
Plays with me and explores with me.
She is talented, really she is.
My mother to me is a gift of His.

She loves me unconditionally and I love her, too.
She is the bravest person I’ve ever seen.
Imperfect, she is the most perfect person.
Believe it or not,
My mother is an angel,
I always thought!

This poem has been published in the September 2015 issue of The Teenager Today.