My grades began going downwards
My results were really nice before the pandemic, but afterwards my grades began going downwards repeatedly. My parents are not pressurizing me, but they are expecting much more from me as they are providing me with online class tuitions. Still my results are not improving. I am very demotivated. I am trying to study but not able to. I’m confused as to what to do.
A. A. (12)
It would be nice to try and understand why exactly your grades are dropping. I respect the fact that there is no such pressure from your home, however I understand that it bothers you, too. You need to introspect first. Do you feel it is the learning that has now become tougher? Or is it the fact that online classes do not work well for you? Many students have suffered academically post the pandemic. Analysing the root cause would make it easier to find a solution. Sometimes it can also be the fact that you are preoccupied with other things and do not put in the right amount of effort that is required. As you grow older, the number of hours required to study need to increase. Try to study with undivided attention, putting away any gadget that may cause you distractions. This would definitely help to improve your concentration.
Dr Alisha Lalljee is a Psychologist (M.A.), Special Educator (M.Ed) and Psychotherapist. She holds an MBA in Clinical Research and Hospital Management.