Outlandish proposals from brave thinkers
What’s the point of delving deep into a subject for years or even decades if you can’t come up with fantastic ideas and solutions? Yet, some scientists have made suggestions that can be called outlandish at best. This month we’ll look at some of the best!

Lighting up the moon
We’re all aware that we have been overusing electricity, day and night. A few experts believe that a really bright moon is all that we need to make us switch off the lights at night. This does sound awesome especially since everyone around the world can benefit from it. But the good scientists have not discussed how they plan to light up the moon. Or for that matter if the cost involved in this project could put all the countries in permanent debt.
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Rama Ramesh is a creative writer who has written stories and features for children’s magazines and has co-authored a series of nanotechnology books for kids.