
Pocket Casts

Pocket Casts podcast app

Pocket Casts is an ad-free podcast app with a simple user interface. Your podcasts display as a list or grid; you can add filters like In Progress, Starred or Release Date. Advance the audio by 30 seconds or rewind by 10 seconds, create a queue of what to listen to next, and see stats on how long you’ve listened for. Download episodes, put them in a playlist, set a sleep timer, mark episodes as played, and archive them when finished. Searching for new podcasts by episode lets you find all the podcasts that talk about a specific topic. Other notable features include adjusting playback speed, ‘volume boost’ to make it easier to hear voices while reducing background music or noise, and ‘trim silence’ to eliminate long pauses. Users can sync subscriptions and playback position across multiple devices. Free for Android and iOS.