Youth Counselling

He proposed to me; I rejected him

I collapsed into deep trauma when my boyfriend expired about three years ago. In course of time I managed to drive myself out of this terrible situation. I met a guy a year ago and we are best friends now. He understands me, supports me in need and we are good study-mates too. A few days ago he proposed to me but I rejected him saying I am happy and satisfied with our friendship. And we are still the same crazy friends. Was my decision right in rejecting him as a boyfriend, or does he really deserve what he asked for?

Dear Apoorva, the experience of the death of a dear one is certainly one of the most painful in human life and you went through this experience three years ago. In the course of time you managed to drive yourself “out of this terrible situation”. Life goes on and luckily one year ago you found a new best friend, who understands you, supports you in need and is also a good study-mate. Instead of rejecting his proposal it would be better to ask him for some more time for you to enjoy his friendship and know each other better. If all goes well you can finally accept his proposal and be happy together for the rest of your lives.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.