Put More Time on Your Side

Author: Jan Yager
Publisher: Better Yourself Books Pvt. Ltd.
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 237; Price: Rs 280
The time management books of the 20th century are outdated in this advanced digital age. That is why Jan Yager, an eminent sociologist, time-management and productivity guru, penned the bestseller Put More Time On Your Side to aid the youth of the AI technology age in using time-management skills to better their prospects of getting more work done on an everyday basis.
This is a concise book that does not skip the important aspects of living in a heightened technological age, especially meant for those who have to read their emails on a daily basis, and for students who are addicted to social networking sites. The book is relevant, well-crafted and presented, and it can be applied to your life immediately, whether you are studying, working or doing both.
“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” — Jim Rohn (American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker)
After studying time-management for several years, including books by motivational speakers like Jim Rohn, Jan Yager wants to tell the youth of today to stop smartphones from turning them into slaves for short-term fame or as compulsive work machines. With the ability to have 24/7 online communications, constant compulsive texting and long hours of useless scrolling are the issues facing the young today. Through inspirational quotes, journal entries, personal anecdotes, and time-management charts, Yager helps the young to clarify their priorities in life and avoid any ‘time-wasters’, which are habits that stop them from getting done what they truly want to do.
With the help of this book, young entrepreneurs, high school and college students can apply laser-sharp focus to what they set out to do every day. Yager mentions excellent ways of using technology to aid in time-management rather than it being detrimental to overall productivity. She especially focuses on how to avoid wasting time by mindless multi-tasking and switching back and forth between checking statuses on social media sites and WhatsApp messages. It is also innovative in being one of the first self-help books in the market that discusses the new age ‘internet’ psychological diseases like fragmentation and distractionism and how to overcome them.
A mix of traditional-classic time management skills and a new outlook is what Put More Time On Your Side is all about. It has minimal quotations, but more useful tips to help change your life, along with an excellent bibliography to follow up on. You only need to realize which technology can help you and which one will bring you down completely, especially when you have an urgent deadline or board exam.
Let’s learn how to prioritise, initiate and evaluate our actions for better time-management by reading Jan Yager’s valuable and timely book. Get your copy of this book today and change your time-management skills for productivity, happiness and success.
Available at Better Yourself Books and all St Paul Book Centres in India
Fiza Pathan is an avid reader of books of all genres. She has written award-winning books, novels and short stories, which reflect her interest in furthering the cause of education and in championing social issues.