Recognizing the Unsung Heroes
International Nurses Day marks the contributions that nurses make to society.

Nurse — just another word to describe a person strong enough to tolerate anything, soft enough to understand anyone.
Every year on 12 May, the world comes together to celebrate International Nurses Day, a day dedicated to honouring the invaluable contributions of nurses worldwide. This day holds a special place in our hearts as it shines a spotlight on the tireless efforts and unwavering dedication of these unsung heroes.
International Nurses Day is celebrated annually on 12 May to commemorate the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. The day serves as an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the crucial contributions of nurses to healthcare worldwide. It also aims to raise awareness about the importance of nursing as a profession and to advocate for better working conditions and resources for nurses.
Nurses are the backbone of healthcare systems, providing compassionate care, comfort, and support to patients during their most vulnerable moments. From assisting in surgeries to administering medication and offering emotional support, nurses play a pivotal role in every aspect of patient care.
In the face of adversity, nurses stand tall, serving on the frontlines of global health crises, pandemics, and natural disasters. Their commitment to saving lives knows no bounds, often working long hours under stressful conditions without hesitation.

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Maggie Jose HCM is the Principal of BCM College of Nursing, Khairabad, Lucknow. She has served as Vice Principal and Principal of many nursing colleges including Sahara College of Nursing, Lucknow and Rapsbun School of Nursing, Shillong.