Weird & Wonderful

Remarkable robots

Today, the kinds of robots that are designed and made available to the public are nothing short of amazing. Listed here are some of the craziest robots made and what they are capable of doing.

Illustration of Paro, the robotic seal
Illustration: © Rama Ramesh

A cute, furry cure

You’ve probably heard that animals like dogs and cats are ideal as therapy for sick patients. But a dog might bite accidentally or a cat might scratch, and there is that problem with them shedding fur. The solution? In Japan, patients get to pet and interact with a cute, furry robotic seal PARO. With touch-sensitive fur and whiskers, it’ll let you pet and cuddle, without expecting any care from you.

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Rama Ramesh is a creative writer who has written stories and features for children’s magazines and has co-authored a series of nanotechnology books for kids.

Rama Ramesh

Rama Ramesh is a creative writer who has written stories and features for children’s magazines and has co-authored a series of nanotechnology books for kids.