Youth Counselling

He’s scared because of the age gap

I am a teenager and I love a guy who is five years older than me. He wanted to be in a relationship with me but is confused and scared because of the age gap. I don’t want a relationship at present but in the future if I want to, does a five-year age difference matter? Could it work out?

Dear Anoushka, a five-year age difference does not really matter as long as there is a good understanding between two persons, mutual respect and common goals to achieve together. If you “don’t want a relationship at present” tell him clearly so and ask him if he is ready to wait for you “in future” if you “want to”. It is possible that he may not be ready to wait for a long time and decide to find someone else.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.