Poets & Poetry


by Anamika Chaudhuri
Navrachana School, Vadodara, Gujarat

We see what we desire
In this world of sins.
People are liars,
Even our kith and kin.

We see what we know,
Not what is present.
Life’s a tough blow,
The truth is what we resent.
We see what we think,
Amongst people, shallow or deep.
We let everyone sink,
Just to reach the conclusions we leap.

We watch from behind the shadows.
We know all the darkest secrets,
In the world of high and lows.
And all the high expectations set.

We know all of it,
And yet we don’t share.
The truth we call it,
As we see what we want
And not what is there…

Published in the January 2017 issue of The Teenager Today.