Joy in Learning: Self-learning

Technological advancements are happening at such a fast pace that new ways of doing things are constantly evolving. If earlier you could stand in the queue and buy a ticket the same can now be bought online. If earlier we needed to read a book now an audio book can be downloaded onto your phone and you can listen to it while you travel. Thus new ways of doing things and new ways of learning are constantly emerging. Gone are the days when learning was a chore and separate time had to be set aside for the same. Now with new uses of technology we can immerse ourselves in a world of opportunities and emerge more knowledgeable and efficient.
Technology has made personalization so much easier that with the same mobile handset each owner can have a unique experience and that has set the expectations of the consumer where we want things, when we want them and how we want them. This expectation is only going to increase with passing time and as future employees of companies you will have to constantly learn new ways of doing things such that your companies can deliver innovations to customers all the time. The vast majority of you, when you plan your career, can no longer think that there will be monotony and/or security. Change and innovation will be the only constants in the working sphere now and reinventing yourself and your skill set will be the norm in the workplace.
How to self-learn
Create challenges for yourself: When your family gets a new TV I’m sure you make every effort to learn the new features and how to use them. Your interest in watching the new TV keeps you focused and gives you the motivation to go online, read about it, ask your friends and then do the settings such that you can facilitate the process for your family.
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Shivani Manchanda, a post-graduate in Counselling from the USA, is a warm and vibrant counsellor. Her expertise lies in counselling students on career development, stress prevention and international education. She is an enthusiastic speaker with over two decades of experience.