Teach the lesson the right way!
Behaviour corrected with punishments, ridicule or even bribery is a negative reinforcement.
Read MoreBehaviour corrected with punishments, ridicule or even bribery is a negative reinforcement.
Read MoreOur country is blessed with many great visionary teachers who have made innumerable sacrifices for the sake of their students.
Read MoreDistance education refers to ways in which education may be delivered to students in remote locations, which allows students the flexibility to learn without being physically present on the campus.
Read MoreKnowledge is power (K-Power) and more desirable than wealth when it is applied in the right place, at the right time and in the right manner. Knowledge and experience expand as you journey through life and keep you empowered and growing.
Read MoreWe are in the 21st century. Just saying that brings a kind of mystique and excitement even today, as it did, when we made the great leap from the 20th century into this one — a feeling of exhilaration as though we have crossed some barrier into a ‘brighter age’.
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