NASA builds video game to help save endangered coral reefs
Enter NeMO-Net in which gamers and citizen scientists virtually travel the ocean floor in a vessel called the Nautilus.
Read MoreEnter NeMO-Net in which gamers and citizen scientists virtually travel the ocean floor in a vessel called the Nautilus.
Read MoreNASA spotted this diamond-shaped chunk of ice standing out against the blue of the 600-mile Caspian Sea that stretches from Kazakhstan to Iran.
Read MoreThe Naica mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, yields zinc, lead, and silver — and giant gypsum crystals, some reaching more than 30 feet long, that have made the Cueva de los Cristales or Cave of Crystals famous.
Read MoreA little asteroid has been tagging along in Earth’s orbit for at least a century — and it’ll probably follow along for at least a few hundred years more.
Read MorePluto’s heart ‘beats’ when warm nitrogen ice rises upwards, spreads along the surface and freezes over Sputnik Planum.
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