The Post-Covid Mantra
While a lot of articles, slogans and messages, are doing rounds, we alone can best lay down what is the most suitable mantra for us.
Read MoreWhile a lot of articles, slogans and messages, are doing rounds, we alone can best lay down what is the most suitable mantra for us.
Read MoreAlmost everyone has a sad story or other to narrate. However, by looking at the pandemic only negatively, we won’t be able to move forward.
Read MoreThe pandemic teaches that the world needs a renewal, a rejuvenation, and a resurgence from its moral and spiritual degradation.
Read MoreAnd my eyes stray to the same newspaper which reports the floods, the landslides and no mention of the lakes… is it doing the same with this pandemic?
Read MoreChoose just one area that appeals to you most and read with passion just one book in that area, and try to live fully what you have read.
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