From the Chief Editor

Teachers, you are precious

Come September, the country, and in particular the children from primary to junior college level, start thinking of their teachers. I am sure many of you are already looking out for creative ways of celebrating the Teachers’ Day, that falls on September 5, every year, to express your love and gratitude to the teachers who play a vital role in fine tuning your intellectual capacities and thinking powers. THE TEENAGER TODAY joins you in saluting the teachers across the country on Teachers’ Day, acknowledging their unique contributions in shaping the nation. Three cheers to you, dear teachers!

We at THE TEENAGER TODAY gratefully remember that it was Fr Aloysius Rego, an outstanding teacher, who co-founded the magazine with J. Maurus, 56 years ago in the city of Allahabad, now renamed Prayagraj. We pay homage to their revered memory as the country celebrates the Teachers’ Day on September 5.

Moreover, unlike other youth magazines, it was from the premises of the two reputed schools in the above city — St Joseph’s Boys School and St Mary’s Convent School — that THE TEENAGER began its journey to the rest of the country. Again, it was with the wholehearted support of the Principals and teachers of the schools where the magazine was introduced, THE TEENAGER found and still finds its way to the students across the nation. We are deeply grateful to you, dear Principals and teachers, for your unstinting support to us. We continue to count on you.

I remember asking a group of teachers, during a Seminar I gave them a few years ago, as to what they consider teaching to be — a profession or a mission. Here is the gist of what they told me: “Teaching is a mission or commitment, above all. Moulding the mind of a child is a noble mission. We deal with human beings, and no two individuals are the same. We’ve to handle each one of our students with utmost care. Fragile, handle with care is the norm here, while helping them discover and develop the hidden qualities and talents within them…”

Beautiful words befitting millions of our teachers across the country engaged in the mission of setting free the imprisoned angel in every student. Yes, dear teachers, you are precious to us and we are really proud of you! THE TEENAGER TODAY will always be there by your side.

Alfonso Elengikal, SSP, has the unique distinction of being the longest-serving editor of The Teenager Today, an office he held for over 17 years. He is the bestselling author of You Can Make A Difference, You Are Destined For The Skies, Let The Real You Stand Up! and Discover The Hero Within You published by Better Yourself Books.

Alfonso Elengikal

Alfonso Elengikal, SSP, has the unique distinction of being the longest-serving editor of The Teenager Today, an office he held for over 17 years. He is the bestselling author of You Can Make A Difference, You Are Destined For The Skies, Let The Real You Stand Up! and Discover The Hero Within You published by Better Yourself Books.