
The Man behind Those Magical Sweet Globules

Homeopathic globules on a leaf with Christian Hahnemann in inset
Image by Bruno / Germany from Pixabay

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of homoeopathy? Just some sugar globules. Or, is it some kind of magic? Or, it’s superstition! Or as most people say, it’s a steroid. We may have also read articles that state that homoeopathy is just a placebo!

Many of us may have tried those sugar globules at least once in our lifetime. Have you ever thought about what those small white globules are? Can they treat diseases? We have also heard people saying that homoeopathy is good for long-term diseases.

Homoeopathy came into being when illnesses were thought to be caused by blood impurities, and techniques like blood-letting and leeching were used to remove contaminated blood from a patient. Trephining, or creating a hole in a patient’s skull to allow the sickness to exit the body, was another kind of therapy.

The Man behind Homeopathy

Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy, was a German physician who established a recognized medical practice based on the Law of Similia. The Law of Similarity, often known as Similia Similibus Curatus or Like Cures Like, is the cornerstone of homoeopathy.

Samuel Hahnemann was born in Meissen, Germany, on 10 April 1755. He was his parents’ third child. Samuel’s father was a designer in a porcelain factory who instilled in Samuel excellent principles of what was right and honourable.

Cover of the April 2023 issue of The Teenager Today featuring Prabhat Koli, the world's youngest oceans seven swimmer

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Blessy M. Toms is pursuing BHMS (final year) in New Delhi, and is a passionate classical dancer, dancing to the rhythm of life. She is a fiction fanatic. She loves long drives, travelling through history, enjoying and exploring various cultures and traditions.

Blessy M. Toms

Blessy M. Toms is pursuing BHMS (final year) in New Delhi, and is a passionate classical dancer, dancing to the rhythm of life. She is a fiction fanatic. She loves long drives, travelling through history, enjoying and exploring various cultures and traditions.