The Wisdom and Power of Positive Living

Author: Prof. Dr John M. Mathews
Publisher: Better Yourself Books Pvt. Ltd.
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 359; Price: Rs 350
“Betwixt the optimist and the pessimist, the difference is droll, the optimist sees the doughnut, but the pessimist sees the hole.”
— Mc Landburgh Wilson
Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life, not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. The Wisdom and Power of Positive Living by gold medallist English literature professor, Dr John M. Mathews, is a book that will teach you all this and more regarding positive thinking, positive attitudes, and the sweet fruits of positive thinking and attitudes put together to make a successful and happier life.
This book is meant for students in schools and colleges, teachers, young professors, budding business executives, aspiring entrepreneurs, and other young professionals. The book is replete with exquisite quotations like the one above that the author has incorporated to reinforce the idea that only the power of positivity can nullify the power of negativity. Millions of people today are wasting their money, time and energy in defending their points of view or vindicating their perspectives. Instead of following the crowd, stand apart and lead through positivity, believing that life is worth living, and your belief will help you create that fact.
Learn from the examples and quotations of William James, Socrates, John Milton, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Michelangelo, and the like to script your mission statement and then sculpt your destiny. Learn the difference between a realistic optimist and a frivolous Pollyannish optimist, and then succeed in everything you do. Learn how to soar with eagles rather than hop with the sparrows — learn the ingredients to turn every fall into a stepping stone towards success by reading this timely and very useful book.
Penned in a detailed textbook format, the book delves deeply and professionally into its material. It is interesting, scholarly and a must-have for every young professional. Remember, God gives every bird its food, but he does not put it into the bird’s nest! Also, behind every spark of heroism, adventure and achievement, there smouldered the embers of intense optimistic aspirations. You can pick up these and other evergreen and smart nuggets in The Wisdom and Power of Positive Living.
Available at Better Yourself Books and all St Paul Book Centres in India
Fiza Pathan is an avid reader of books of all genres. She has written award-winning books, novels and short stories, which reflect her interest in furthering the cause of education and in championing social issues.