I am too addicted to social media
I’m too addicted to social media. I am on Instagram and over there a boy likes me. I know that boy personally but I don’t know what to do. My friends are forcing me to date him but I have never dated anyone yet. I want to focus on my studies. Please help me.
Kismat (14)
Dear Kismat, your “addiction” to social media may lead you into wrong relationships and bad results. All addictions are bad. The fact that a boy likes you on Instagram does not mean that you should “date him” as your friends are forcing you to do. Keep focusing on your family, your studies and good friendships. At your tender age of 14 this is what matters. Be close to your parents and good friends. With them you will not make mistakes and they will not lead you in the wrong direction.
Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.