Young Achievers

Tshering Yanki Bhutia: The Jewel of Geyzing

Tshering Yanki Bhutia

Tshering Yanki Bhutia, a 27-year old Physical Education Instructor at St Mary’s Convent School, Geyzing, West Sikkim, is a dynamic person in the field of martial arts, karate, and an all-rounder. She has proved the maxim to be true, “If there is a will, there is a way.” Her determination and strong will-power has helped her to climb the ladder of success. She has won the gold medal in North Bengal Karate-Do Championships.

Besides, she was invited as a Guest of Honour for the Chhathar Municipality Chief Cup at Tehrathum, Nepal, Sikkim Educational Career Fair 2018 organized by West District Working Committee, Sikkim, Seiko Kai Shito Ryu Advance Summer Camp organized by Seiko Kai Shito Ryu Karate-Do Association, West Bengal. Over and above, during the past few years, she was also invited as a judge and referee at the 1st International Open Karate Championship organized by the All Nepal Sports Federation, Lalitpur, All India Independence Cup Karate Championship and Delhi Open All India Karate Championship. MS SUJATHA met her on behalf of THE TEENAGER TODAY for a brief interview. Excerpts:

Please tell us about your early years of life.
From small, I wanted to be different. As you know, ours is a male-dominated society, and the difference shown between a boy child and a girl child used to pain me from my childhood. A girl child would always be questioned for doing things which boys without any restriction were allowed to do. This attitude of the society developed a kind of rebellious feeling within me, and I was determined to prove that boys and girls are equal, and girls too can excel in things which generally the boys do. I thought my first step would be to make myself strong enough to face the challenges a girl faces in life.

Tshering Yanki Bhuta receives a trophy from Mr Hanshi Bharat Sharma
Tshering Yanki Bhuta receives a trophy from Mr Hanshi Bharat Sharma.

How did you come to like Karate?
When I was in school, I used to take part in all kinds of sports events. However, I felt that martial arts will help me face the challenges I face as a girl, and I took a special interest in Karate. I wouldn’t miss any television programme on Karate. During vacation time, I used to take training in Karate techniques without even informing my parents. I saved my pocket money and went to Siliguri to learn Karate from the Martial Art Academy under the renowned instructors: Sensei Pijush Kanti Burman and Shihan Pradip Sarkar.

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