
Understand the baselines in your handwriting

Girl writing in notebook near laptop
Photo: © CollegeDegrees360, CC BY-SA 2.0

I hope that the last issue on margins was useful and insightful for all my dear readers who are following this column. This month, we are going to focus on the parameter of baselines.

Baselines are the imaginary lines on which we write, indicating the goals and objectives of the person. You can think of a baseline as a road that leads to your goals or destination.

We start writing on a page from left to right; left direction is the past and the right direction is your future.

Baselines explain the general moods of the writer, the attitude of the writer towards the past, the present and the future, and the kind of energy applied by the writer to life situations.

Let’s explore the different types of baselines.

1. Rigidly straight baseline: An overly controlled baseline is one that looks as though it were written with a ruler. This indicates over-control to compensate for inner loss of fear of control. The writer has lot of stress bottled up inside. There is too much of unnecessary discipline followed in a civilian life; a tightrope walker with a little bit of disturbance can fall apart and is one step short of disaster.

2. Straight baseline: This baseline indicates someone who controls his outward behavioural moods and is stable in his moods. This indicates very good planning beforehand. This person has desire to be orderly and organized. They do not drift and invariably achieve their goals and targets.

3. True ascending baseline: Studies of uphill handwriting show that these people are successful in all kinds of careers. Uphill writing means healthy mental energy and indicates someone who wants to stay busy, active and constantly on-the-go, involved in many activities simultaneously. These individuals are positive, enthusiastic and optimistic. They always look up in the worst come worst situation. They also generally enjoy good health.

4. False ascending baseline: When a person drops the last word towards end of the ascending baseline, it is an exaggeration. It may indicate that the person is really sad on the inside but shows exactly the opposite in public. Such people cannot sustain success for a long time; they have a tendency to quit and drop out. They have low will-power and endurance levels. This kind of person is like a fire that brightly burns for a short time and then just goes out.

5. Suicidal baseline: Normally a suicidal note is likely to be brief; sometimes certain lines or last words of the sentences suddenly drop down. The person may give up suddenly and unexpectedly and can also be accident prone.

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Nirav Vasa is a certified graphologist, handwriting expert, document examiner and Vimala Alphabet practitioner. You can reach him at vasa.nirav@gmail.com

Nirav Vasa

Nirav Vasa is a certified graphologist, handwriting expert, document examiner and Vimala Alphabet practitioner. You can reach him at vasa.nirav@gmail.com