Science Buzz

Vijayawada college use QR codes for plant conservation

Smartphone scanning a QR code on a tree

In an effort to save local plant species around Vijayawada, the Department of Botany at the Siddhartha College of Arts and Science tagged trees in the college grounds with QR (Quick Response) codes that give students information about the tree — from its scientific name to its medicinal value. Students only need to scan the code using their smartphones.

“Students now do not have the time to learn about the things around them via books. To keep up with the digital trend, we collected the database of all the trees in the college and assigned QR codes to them, making it easier for everybody to learn about a plant or a tree at the tip of their fingers,” said Ch. Srinivas Reddy, Head of Department, Botany.

The department has also brought in a few trees found mainly in the forests of the region, like the Gloriosa superba, and the Gyrocarpus americanus (or Nalla Poniki), used to make the famous Kondapalli toys.

“The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) categorizes the status of every plant species every year. If we mention the status in the QR code, whether a species is vulnerable, endangered or nearing extinction, we hope it will encourage people to grow more of these trees and conserve them,” says Srinivas.