Youth Counselling

We are jealous of each other

My best friend and I have been friends for thirteen years. Both of us are preparing for IIT-JEE and are good students (we both got 95% in ICSE board). Now, we go to the same school and coaching institute. The problem is that our teachers and parents have been constantly comparing the two of us and it has had an adverse effect on our friendship. She has started talking rudely and avoids me whenever I wish to discuss anything about our studies. Nowadays we become easily jealous over each other’s success. Our friendship is getting strained day by day. Please help me. The situation is distracting me from my studies. I really treasure our friendship.
Brishti (17) / Chandigarh

Dear Brishti, a friendship that is going on for thirteen years should not end up getting strained day by day because of your success in studies. Unfortunately, your teachers and parents, instead of guiding you in your relationship, keep comparing the two of you causing a feeling of jealousy over each others’ success. Remember that good intelligence is a gift from God which has to be accepted with humility and thankfulness. Both of you are good students and have used properly this gift. I suggest that you share this reflection with your parents, teachers and also with your friend, telling her that you really treasure your friendship. A little prayer together may bring better understanding between the two of you.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD

Dr Anthony Grugni, MD, was associated with The Teenager Today for nearly three decades in the capacity of youth counsellor.