Year End Blues: How to Not Let Them Get to You

Do you feel like 2022 just passed you by? Did you think at any time that you could have made it more productive? Did it cross your mind that you had made resolutions that just slipped through the cracks in your memory? Do you sense a disappointment that you did not live up to someone else’s or maybe your own expectations? Failure, criticism, dissatisfaction, remorse, frustration and regret about your year all signify end of the year blues. Perhaps you’re really beating yourself hard for something you absolutely wanted to achieve but could not. And now, the New Year is almost here, and you feel you didn’t do justice to the one you’re just bidding goodbye to. The glass is half full and half empty if you’re looking at it practically. But remember, sometimes a half glass is enough to quench your thirst. Follow these tips to help you not feel pessimistic about what hasn’t been accomplished. Don’t let the end of the year blues eat into your happiness.
Be kind to yourself
Self-appreciation is easy on sunny days. It’s only when the dark clouds of under achievement and under-accomplishment strike you that you begin to demean and berate yourself for not being good enough. These are the days you seem to remember all your faults like they’re on a bulleted list plastered to the ceiling, staring in your face as soon as you wake up. Nobody can make you feel as little or as large as you can than your own self. So today onwards, choose self-kindness. If you can forgive others and be compassionate in their time of need, try doing the same for yourself. Remember, you may have tried and it may not have worked out. Maybe you can try again. Maybe you didn’t try and that’s okay too. Redirect your goodwill towards yourself and see how sadness and self-contempt fade away.

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Dr Shefali Batra is a Psychiatrist and Mindfulness Coach. Connect with her on Instagram @drshefalibatra and read more about her work at