Life Lessons

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While Brandon Sanderson once quipped, “Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack”, there are others who have echoed similar sentiments stating, ‘If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.’

Yes, much has been written about why not to expect much from others, for it almost always results in hurt and spoils relationships with a dash of sourness. So, to be happy, one ought not to expect much. Yes, agreed… but then it is almost impossible to not expect. Other than probably a few learned and evolved saints who have succeeded in living life without expectations, it is not an easy feat for ordinary folks like us!

On how many occasions have you felt hurt and sad because you expected someone to do or not do something; expected him or her to say or not say something and the person acted contrary to your expectations?

Well, here’s one way we can handle our lives, our joys and our relationships much better. Just as in order to make a line smaller without erasing it, we need to draw a bigger line above it, so also to handle this big issue of rising expectations, we can divert our mind and conduct it towards a bigger concern.

Cover of the May 2022 issue of The Teenager Today featuring Rohan Singhal

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Dr Navniit Gandhi is an academic, author, and a trainer/counsellor based in Kuwait. She has authored nine books and has written more than 300 feature articles till date, and is presently on the editorial board of The Teenager Today.

Dr Navniit Gandhi

Dr Navniit Gandhi is an academic, author, and a trainer/counsellor based in Kuwait. She has authored nine books and has written more than 300 feature articles till date, and is presently on the editorial board of The Teenager Today.